Research & Data Analysis
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The digital dimension is a possible gateway to improving issues linked to physical ones. By providing constant connection without limiting external factors such as location, time, or culture, online communities can fulfil motivational necessities and enhance accountability. However, despite the evident potential of digital platforms, there is little literature when it comes to exploring user engagement and specific considerations to have in account when establishing online communities. This paper contains an all-encompassing yet narrow literature review of the definition of online communities, the complexity of user engagement, examples of real online communities to promote physical activity and considerations when establishing online communities.
The Online Community Role in Physical Activity Interventions - January 2024 - Elsevier - Procedia Computer Science / Volume 239 , 2024, Pages 781-789 - Conference Full Paper
The purpose of this study is to find what tools, techniques and strategies can be applied to online communities (OC) to positively impact its users’ engagement with OC dedicated to promoting physical activity (PA). Exploring the different elements that compose digital platforms (DP) that harbour OC can be an innovative step to evaluate the promotion of PA. This is especially helpful in light of the potential for internet-based interventions, which can reach a large number of users at reduced costs.
The work plan was divided into four different phases. Phase 1 encompassed the development of a scoping review on OC characteristics. Phase 2 covered an analysis of existing DP. Phase 3 was dedicated to a survey on user preferences and perceived impact. Finally, Phase 4 incorporated the final research discussion along with a conceptual framework and a set of guidelines.
The main findings indicate that OC should be harboured in DP optimised in website and app formats and that both are equivalently indispensable. We also found that a variety of details, OC features, OC content, user interaction strategies, and BCT are present in the current DP. Finally, we discovered that there appears to be a broad dissatisfaction with the features offered by OC.
Existing evidence is insufficient to draw objective conclusions, therefore more scientific studies on the various subjects must be carried out. Users’ preferences and perceived impact may initially appear to be at odds—users’ expectations of OC appear to be unmet, and user preferences need to be nurtured.
Where Physical and Digital Meet and Unite: An Online Community Approach - December 2023 - Scientific Paper Submitted
The principal objective of the research is to provide a set of recommendations for the effective advancement of online communities (OC), elucidating its function as an instrument to motivate participation. Overall, the conceptual framework in this research offers significant material in favour of additional OC endeavours, pointing to possible benefits. The set of guidelines offers practical recommendations for maximising the influence of OC in this situation in addition to deepening our understanding of how OC influences participatory action. By concentrating on the development of OC, user engagement tactics, user preferences, and the perceived effects of OC, this study filled important knowledge gaps in the literature. The results highlight areas where OC can improve to better suit user preferences, allowing for a more thorough evaluation of its capacity to uphold long-term connections with users. The significance of key indicators, such as delivering reliable information, encouraging accountability, building relationships with users, and supporting user interactions, is highlighted by contrasting and comparing users' opinions and preferences for OC. To increase their efficacy, it would be beneficial for OC to think about and develop these indicators. All in all, these findings contribute to the broader field of OC and their potential to drive positive social change.
Online Communities as a strategy to improve Physical Activity: Conceptual Framework and a Set of Guidelines - December 2023 - Scientific Paper Submitted
Considering the progressive worldwide decline of physical activity, the promotion of physical activity is integral to slowing the trend. The purpose of this thesis is to identify current online communities aiming to promote physical activity, their main characteristics and use, as well as their user preferences, and preferences. The research design is based on a four-year mixed methods research strategy using a convergent parallel design. That is, quantitative and qualitative data were collected at the same time and analysed separately. It is important to note that this thesis document is composed of scientific articles that address the various stages of the study. This research will contribute with a set of guidelines to potentially increase user retention in online communities, thus creating an opportunity for physical activity promotion as an attempt to minimize an already-identified worldwide health problem.
Online Communities as a Tool to Promote Physical Activity - November 2023 - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20895.57767 - Doctoral Thesis
The principal objective of the research is to provide a set of recommendations for the effective advancement of online communities (OC), elucidating its function as an instrument to motivate participation. Overall, the conceptual framework in this research offers significant material in favour of additional OC endeavours, pointing to possible benefits. The set of guidelines offers practical recommendations for maximising the influence of OC in this situation in addition to deepening our understanding of how OC influences participatory action. By concentrating on the development of OC, user engagement tactics, user preferences, and the perceived effects of OC, this study filled important knowledge gaps in the literature. The results highlight areas where OC can improve to better suit user preferences, allowing for a more thorough evaluation of its capacity to uphold long-term connections with users. The significance of key indicators, such as delivering reliable information, encouraging accountability, building relationships with users, and supporting user interactions, is highlighted by contrasting and comparing users' opinions and preferences for OC. To increase their efficacy, it would be beneficial for OC to think about and develop these indicators. All in all, these findings contribute to the broader field of OC and their potential to drive positive social change.
Online Communities as a strategy to improve Physical Activity: Conceptual Framework and a Set of Guidelines - December 2023 - Scientific Paper Submitted
Considering the progressive worldwide decline of physical activity, the promotion of physical activity is integral to slowing the trend. The purpose of this thesis is to identify current online communities aiming to promote physical activity, their main characteristics and use, as well as their user preferences, and preferences. The research design is based on a four-year mixed methods research strategy using a convergent parallel design. That is, quantitative and qualitative data were collected at the same time and analysed separately. It is important to note that this thesis document is composed of scientific articles that address the various stages of the study. This research will contribute with a set of guidelines to potentially increase user retention in online communities, thus creating an opportunity for physical activity promotion as an attempt to minimize an already-identified worldwide health problem.
Online Communities as a Tool to Promote Physical Activity - November 2023 - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20895.57767 - Doctoral Thesis
Objective: The primary objective of this online survey is to understand differences in user profile, user preferences, and perceived impact among the European population. Methods: The sample groups were based on the most recent report of the European country with the highest and lowest levels of physical activity. Cross-sectional online survey of population resident in Portugal and population resident in Finland were selected by simple random sampling. Responses were collected from the open-source tool LimeSurvey. IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences Statistics was used to analyse the acquired data. Results: A total of 538 responses were considered with 48.4% of respondents residing in Portugal, and 51.4% residing in Finland. About 38.5% of the general survey population regularly practice exercise, and 39.7% regularly engage in physical activity. Regarding the level of online community experience, responses were distributed between medium, moderately low, and very low. Overall, there is a significant relationship between both sample groups when it comes to physical activity, common emotions using online communities, user perception, preferences, and openness. Conclusion: Our survey results provide evidence to support that country of residence is related to user physical activity and highlight the importance of considering demographic factors to understand general population lifestyle choices.
Online Communities as a strategy to improve Physical Activity: a Survey on User Preferences and Perceived Impact - June 2023 - Scientific Paper Submitted
The objective of this study was to analyse existing digital platform (DP) characteristics of online communities (OC) to promote physical activity (PA). Previously DP identified in our previous scoping review were matched against our inclusion criteria. Moreover, Google's related searches (i.e., ''People also searched for'') were used to find additional DP related to PA promotion. DP were included if mainly used to promote PA and were free of access. DP were excluded if used exclusively for research purposes, were under development, or were no longer active. An activity tracker with GPS was used to analyse more specific elements of DP. In addition to the general attributes of each DP, data was retrieved on user engagement strategies, BCT, and platform credibility. A total of 50 DP were found in our Google search. Fourteen OC from the Google search and 3 OC from our previous scoping review (n=17) were included in this study. Most DP (13; 64.70%) use an activity tracker—either external or internal—to support users on PA self-monitoring, almost all DP (16; 94.12%) included GPS connectivity features, and about half of selected DP (9; 52.94%) had a forum for community interaction. at least one BCT and only one BCT was reported among all DP. We found references to 26 (92.86%) of the 28 strategies used for analysis. While research on OC to promote PA and DP characteristics has been growing, existing DP does not provide detailed information on its attributes, nor comprehensive and specific data on engagement strategies.
Online Communities as a strategy to improve Physical Activity: an Analysis of Platform Characteristics - June 2022 - Scientific Paper Submitted
.A scoping review was carried out to find existing literature characterising behaviour change techniques (BCT) of OC for PA promotion.
Online Communities to Improve Physical Activity: An Analysis of Behaviour Change Techniques - May 2022 - Conference Poster: Foundation for Science and Technology Annual Scientific Meeting - Conference Poster
The objective of this study was to analyse existing digital platform (DP) characteristics of online communities (OC) to promote physical activity (PA). Previously DP identified in our previous scoping review were matched against our inclusion criteria. Moreover, Google's related searches (i.e., ''People also searched for'') were used to find additional DP related to PA promotion. DP were included if mainly used to promote PA and were free of access. DP were excluded if used exclusively for research purposes, were under development, or were no longer active. An activity tracker with GPS was used to analyse more specific elements of DP. In addition to the general attributes of each DP, data was retrieved on user engagement strategies, BCT, and platform credibility. A total of 50 DP were found in our Google search. Fourteen OC from the Google search and 3 OC from our previous scoping review (n=17) were included in this study. Most DP (13; 64.70%) use an activity tracker—either external or internal—to support users on PA self-monitoring, almost all DP (16; 94.12%) included GPS connectivity features, and about half of selected DP (9; 52.94%) had a forum for community interaction. at least one BCT and only one BCT was reported among all DP. We found references to 26 (92.86%) of the 28 strategies used for analysis.
Online Communities to Improve Physical Activity: An Analysis of Their Content and Features - February 2022 - DOI: 10.48528/ewzj-k395 - E-Health Seminar for Health, Wellbeing and Digital Technology - Full Paper Presentation
This paper identifies a set of criteria associated with intelligent personal assistants (IPAs) to develop a framework for advantageous integration of IPAs in mobile apps for healthy lifestyle promotion. In other words, the goal is to consider the prospective attributes of integrating IPA in mobile apps to encourage online user interaction, prospectively triggering them into making behaviour changes. This was carried out by identifying the current factors of limitation found in literature and relating them to two distinct models with IPA incorporation conceptualized to manage and promote well-being and healthy lifestyles. The conclusion of this study reflects on specific features of a mobile app with IPA integration to boost motivation levels for behaviour change. It also highlights its contribution to incite the targeted users into making those daily life adaptations.
Healthy Lifestyle Promotion in Mobile Apps and Intelligent Personal Assistant Incorporation - February 2020 - Academic Paper
This paper explores the concept and employment of gamification in mobile applications and analyzes its potential in healthy lifestyle motivation. More explicitly, the objective of this study is to idealize a gamification strategy for a health management mobile app to encourage healthy lifestyle behaviors in higher education students. This was assessed by looking into the game elements discussed in previous researches, considering the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and reflecting the prospective benefits of using gamification in health-related mobile apps to motivate online user interaction, thus increasing the likelihood of behavior changes.
Gamification on an Idealized Health Management App to Motivate Healthy Lifestyles - February 2020 - Conceptual Study
Objective: The objective of this scoping review was to identify, characterize and synthesize existing literature on the use of online communities to promote physical activity and identify gaps to direct future research. Methods: Systematic searches were conducted in Science Direct, PubMed, Scopus, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Xplore for studies published up to August 2020. The search terms included a combination of the following keywords: physical activity, sedentary, exercise, health, sport, brand, online community. No limits were used. Studies were included if they encompassed a full publication containing enough details on characteristics and described any feature primarily aiming at physical activity promotion. Results: A total of 21 different online communities were found in the total of 25 selected studies. Of those studies, all reported on at least one behaviour change technique, 68.2% (n=15) used websites to support the OC, 36% (n=9) reported on strategies to keep users engaged, 16% (n=4) comprised information related to the design process, and 16% (n=4) reported on OC effectiveness. Conclusion: Existing reports do not provide evident detailed information on the design process or user engagement strategies related to online communities, and only a few studies assess its effectiveness in improving physical activity. Further research is needed.
Online Communities as a strategy to improve Physical Activity: a Scoping Review on its Use and Characteristics - June 2021 - Scientific Paper Submitted
This paper explores body representation in social media and discusses the possible outcomes of those campaigns on individuals’ body satisfaction and consequential behaviours. More explicitly, it approaches body satisfaction triggers within media trends among the male audience. This is achieved by reporting past literature associated with male body representation, exploring its potential influence on male body dissatisfaction, and by a discussion motivated by a case study on the Aerie Real body positivity movement. The final considerations of this paper present an outlook on gender inclusion for future body positivity campaigns.
Media Body Positivity for Men: A Case Study - February 2020 - Academic Case Study Paper
This work aims to enlighten on the information and communication aspects of healthy lifestyle promotion in digital platforms. More explicitly, the objective is to explore communicational features in digital platforms and the interaction of its users to captivate the users’ attention and motivate them to make lifestyle changes. This will be performed using both the paradigm of complexity and the paradigm of technology. The contribution of this study is to define the main concepts explored in this topic, relate communication paradigms to potential information and communication strategies related to user interaction stimulation, and bring light to previous research on the subject of online platforms that focus on promoting healthy lifestyles. The findings in this research suggest that online communities can indeed inspire and support users through discussion. Although social media is a positive way to optimize access to information related to healthy lifestyles, the interaction within the platform is as important as the quality of the shared information. The reliability of the shared information has already been questioned. Therefore, it is recommended that health specialists endorse and disseminate quality information and motivate users to discover it. Considering that research in this area, particularly concerning social media promotion and healthy lifestyle is limited, future research is needed to extend studies on longitudinal relationships between social media promotion, health-related lifestyle, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour.
Information and Communication Aspects of Healthy Lifestyle Promotion in Social Media for Sedentary Communities - November 2019 - Academic Paper
The purpose of this research is to evaluate how audiovisual sports advertising influences the self-perception and the socio-cultural perception of sedentary individuals. The goal is to understand the effect of the marketing strategies used by the sports industry's brands to create more effective audiovisual sports advertising.
This research explores the influence of sports audiovisual content in sedentary and athletic individuals, creating a bridge between sports advertising and body image. A bridge that many authors have identified to be missing. This research integrates a qualitative research strategy in a quasi-experimental approach, using mixed methods. Specifically, by applying an exploratory Online Research Survey on a heterogeneous population. And conducting a Focus Group Research with a sample of sedentary individuals from the Aveiro Municipality.
The evaluation was accomplished through the screening of a sports video in the second session of the Focus Group Research in which, after a 10-minute workout, the participants' behaviors were assessed with the use of an Observation Grid and a post-workout discussion. These methods were progressively used to cross information and contribute to the design of the sequential investigation steps.
We've concluded that there is a high chance that audiovisual sports advertising has a detrimental effect on both sedentary and athletic individuals. Results revealed a better performance and a more focused attitude during the test session. Sedentary individuals seem to be more critical of the female body than athletic individuals and, as opposed to individuals who consider themselves athletic, individuals who consider themselves sedentary will less likely feel especially motivated to exercise when watching inspirational fitness videos.
The Influence of Audiovisual Sports Advertising in Sedentary Individuals - December 2016 - DOI: 10.1109/TISHW.2016.7847778 - International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Sports, Health and Wellbeing - Full Paper and Presentation
The digital dimension is a possible gateway to improving issues linked to physical ones. By providing constant connection without limiting external factors such as location, time, or culture, online communities can fulfil motivational necessities and enhance accountability. However, despite the evident potential of digital platforms, there is little literature when it comes to exploring user engagement and specific considerations to have in account when establishing online communities. This paper contains an all-encompassing yet narrow literature review of the definition of online communities, the complexity of user engagement, examples of real online communities to promote physical activity and considerations when establishing online communities.
The Influence of Audiovisual Sports Advertising in Sedentary Individuals - July 2016 - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20099.09764 - Master’s Thesis
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The Dark Side of iNZOI: What YouTubers Aren’t Telling You (2024)
AI is replacing human tasks faster than you think. (2024). CNN.
AI took their jobs. Now they get paid to make it sound human. (2024). BBC Future.
Frank, M., Ahn, D., & Moro, S. (2023). AI exposure predicts unemployment risk. arXiv.
Guliyev, R. (2023). Artificial intelligence and unemployment in high-tech developed countries. Technology in Society, 75, 101003.
Kim, S., & Hur, J. (2022). What makes people feel empathy for AI chatbots? Assessing the role of competence and warmth. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.
Liu-Thompkins, Y., Okazaki, S., & Li, X. (2022). Artificial empathy in marketing interactions. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice.
Nguyen, H., & Vo, D. H. (2022). Artificial intelligence and unemployment: An international evidence. Economic Modelling, 108, 105720.
NotMalcom. (2023). This is problematic... YouTube.
Park, H., & Whang, S. (2022). Empathy in human-robot interaction: Designing for social robots. Frontiers in Psychology.
PwC. (2023). PwC’s Global Artificial Intelligence Study: Exploiting the AI revolution.
Su, Z. (2018). Unemployment in the AI age. Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation(pp. 611-612).
Terms of Service - PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS. (2024).
The Companies That Have Already Replaced Workers with AI in 2024. (2024).
The Dark Side of iNZOI: What YouTubers Aren’t Telling You. (2024).
World Economic Forum. (2020). Recession and automation changes our future of work.
“inZOI Terms of Service and License Agreement” (2024).
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